Site Safety
All players and staff must wear suitable eye protection (resist 500fps point blank) at all times in the game zone. All players are strongly advised to wear full face protection. It is mandatory for under 18s to wear full face protection.
No players can play under the influence of drugs / alcohol.
Minimum age to play is 11 years if playing with a parent /guardian.
Minimum age to play is 16 years if not with a parent /guardian. Parents/guardians must accept that there may be occasions during play when a player is not supervised or in sight of a marshal.
First aid kit available. Keep own medication in top left pocket / pouch.
Site contains uneven ground, slippery areas (especially when wet) and other potential hazards. Players should take adequate care in these areas and must accept that they play at their own risk.
Please note the Tap Water in the Toilets is UNFIT to drink.
Players must follow any directions given by a marshal.
Players are warned that in games they may be subject to occasional loud noise and smoke.
Players must not climb on structures above waist level.
Players should not run up or down stairs.
There should be no loaded weapons or dry firing in the safe zone.
We do not allow Riot Shields at The Stan.
Before leaving the game, zone magazines should be removed from weapons and the weapon fired a few times to clear any rounds from the chamber.
Maximum muzzle velocity allowed is 350 fps for AEGs.
The site is Semi Auto only.
All Doors must remain either closed or open, ie do not open locked or taped doors and do not close wedged doors.
Before play all weapons will be chrono graphed. we also reserve the right to spot check any weapon at any time and if found over the limit it will be removed from play.CO2 guns must use a new cartridge for the test.
Players should be aware that they may be hit at close range.
There should be no blind firing. Ie. Player’s should be able to see where their BBs are going at all times.
Head shots should be avoided, players should aim for the centre of body mass where possible.
Do not shoot through plastic/cloth barriers. They should be regarded as solid walls.
No smoke grenades of any type may be used inside buildings.
No smoking in the game area.
We do not allow the use of any pyro within the site.
No fixed bladed knives may be taken into the game zone.
Players should bring a torch as in some areas it is dark, or the light is dim.
Only red laser are allowed on our sites. Any other colour or higher-class laser will not be allowed to maintain safety of all. Laser pointers must be rated class 1 or 2, not 2M or higher. The wavelength must not be thinner that 630nm (this is the red spectrum only). If using a laser, the laser must not be pointed at anyone’s eyes. Lasers should only be used in 1 to 1.5s bursts and never aimed at faces or heads.
Any gaps less than the width of a A4 piece of paper should be regarded as sealed and there should be no Shooting through the gap.
Players should take care not to cause damage to the building or structures.
The order ‘cease fire’ is to be used for emergencies only. If players hear ‘cease fire’ they should pass the shout on, make their weapon safe and place it on the floor/ground. They should not move but wait for a Marshal to shout, ‘game on’.
We will not tolerate abusive behaviour and we will not hesitate to remove players from the game or ban them from the site if they are involved in verbal or physical abuse to other players or marshals.